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If Allah wants to enrich you, He doesn’t need to consult you.

In today's world, people have become so attached to worldly causes that reliance on God and certainty in Him have weakened significantly. This has led individuals to experience frustration and depression when faced with obstacles that prevent them from achieving their goals.

So, is attachment to causes entirely condemned? Or is abandoning them completely the best course? What is the correct approach?

Scholars state: "Focusing on causes is a form of shirk (associating partners with God) in tawhid (monotheism), denying the role of causes altogether is a deficiency in intellect, and neglecting causes completely is a criticism of the Sharia. True reliance and hope in God lie in a balanced understanding, rooted in tawhid, intellect, and Sharia."

This means that focusing solely on causes means placing one's heart and trust in them, which is wrong because none of creation is independent or self-sufficient. They need other factors and oppositions to function. Furthermore, if the Creator and Sustainer (God) does not allow these causes to have an effect, they will not. This demonstrates that God is the Lord of all things and the Master of the heavens and the earth.

Given this, the servant of God must place their heart's reliance on God, not on any worldly cause, and God will guide them through the necessary means for success in this life and the next. If the means are within their capability and they are commanded to utilize them, they should do so while placing their trust in God. For instance, just as we are commanded to perform obligatory acts of worship, we are also expected to eat, drink, seek livelihood, and wear warm clothes in winter. One does not merely rely on trust in God without taking necessary actions, for abandoning the required means is considered negligence and laziness.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) clarified this concept when he taught a man the correct understanding of reliance along with taking action. The man asked, “O Messenger of God, should I tie my camel and rely on God, or should I leave it untied and rely on God?” The Prophet replied, “Tie it and rely on God” (Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 2517).

This is one of the concepts that some groups in the Ummah have misunderstood. Instead of being a driving force for knowledge and action, they use it as an excuse for failure, weakness, and inaction, much like the misunderstanding of reliance on God, which has turned into laziness, or the misunderstanding of fate and destiny. This is why the great leader, Umar ibn Al-Khattab, when told about not entering a land affected by plague, said: "Are we fleeing from the decree of God?" To which he replied: "Yes, we flee from the decree of God to the decree of God. If you had camels and you descended into a valley with two sides, one fertile and the other barren, if you graze on the fertile side, it is by God's decree, and if you graze on the barren side, it is also by God's decree." (Sahih Bukhari No. 5728, Sahih Muslim No. 2218).

Thus, the requirement is to exert effort, but it’s important to note that reliance on God and certainty in Him must come before engaging in worldly causes. This is where many people, particularly strategic planners, fall short—they place too much emphasis on causes over certainty in God.

A commonly heard phrase is: "Do your part and leave the rest to God." However, this phrase contains a fundamental flaw in understanding certainty, for everything is in the hands of God, not just the remainder. In this expression, people first focus on their efforts and then assign what’s left to God.

A true believer feels God’s presence in every aspect of their life—through their actions and stillness, in joy and sorrow, in ease and difficulty. They are fully certain that God is the arranger and controller of affairs. Everything in the universe moves according to God's wisdom and commands, with precise timing and a specific purpose that a person may or may not comprehend. The true cause remains known only to God. Even if the reason behind an event is unknown, the believer remains certain that God only arranges what is good for His servants. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said in a hadith: "Amazing is the affair of the believer, for there is good for him in everything, and this is not the case with anyone except the believer. If prosperity attends him, he expresses gratitude (to God) and that is good for him; and if adversity befalls him, he endures it patiently and that is better for him."

The feeling of certainty is an absolute source of peace. The believer feels calm about the events of their life and what happens to them. They do not worry about the future because they are confident that God is by their side, protecting them, providing for them, and warding off harm. If they receive joy or goodness, they thank God for His gifts and blessings. If they face difficulties, they praise God and remain patient, knowing that the reward for patience will be saved by God for them on the Day of Judgment. Trials from God are a test of patience, a means to expiate sins, and a way to elevate ranks. God describes the people of faith and certainty as: "Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them; and who believe in what has been revealed to you and what was revealed before you, and of the Hereafter they are certain. It is they who are truly guided by their Lord, and it is they who will be successful." (Quran 2:3-5)

In conclusion, God will provide for you without needing your permission, but your role is to take the necessary steps.

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